🧊Story Protocol

Story is the World’s IP Blockchain, onramping Programmable IP to power the next generation of AI, DeFi, and consumer applications.

Public Endpoints

RPC: https://story-rpc.validatorvn.com/
API: https://story-api.validatorvn.com/
EVM-RPC: https://story-rpc-evm.validatorvn.com/

Snapshots (Daily at 2AM UTC)

sudo systemctl stop story story-geth #or equivalent to your service names

mv $HOME/.story/story/data/priv_validator_state.json $HOME/.story/priv_validator_state.json.backup

rm -rf $HOME/.story/story/data
rm -rf $HOME/.story/geth/iliad/geth/chaindata

curl -L https://tools.validatorvn.com/Story/story.tar.lz4 | lz4 -dc - | tar -xf - -C $HOME/.story/story
curl -L https://tools.validatorvn.com/Story/geth.tar.lz4 | lz4 -dc - | tar -xf - -C $HOME/.story/geth/iliad/geth

mv $HOME/.story/priv_validator_state.json.backup $HOME/.story/story/data/priv_validator_state.json

sudo systemctl start story story-geth #or equivalent to your service names

Genesis & Addrbook files

curl -L https://snapshot.validatorvn.com/story/addrbook.json > $HOME/.story/story/config/addrbook.json
curl -L https://snapshot.validatorvn.com/story/genesis.json > $HOME/.story/story/config/genesis.json

Live Peers

# Fetch data from the endpoint
response=$(curl -s $URL)
# Parse JSON and construct PEERS string using jq
PEERS=$(echo $response | jq -r '.result.peers[] | "\(.node_info.id)@\(.remote_ip):" + (.node_info.listen_addr | capture("(?<ip>.+):(?<port>[0-9]+)$").port)' | paste -sd "," -)
# Display the PEERS string
echo "PEERS=\"$PEERS\""
# Set the peers
sed -i 's|^persistent_peers *=.*|persistent_peers = "'$PEERS'"|' $HOME/.story/story/config/config.toml

Last updated